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Aquatics | source code
endif ?>Source code requires the Supershape library.
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size(800,600) try: supershape = ximport("supershape") except: supershape = ximport("__init__") reload(supershape) class head: def __init__(self,x,y,w,h,c,pp): self.x = x self.y = y self.w = w self.h = h self.c = c self.r = self.c.r self.g = self.c.g self.b = self.c.b self.eyelist = [] self.backpad = oval(10,10,0,0) self.backpadintern = [] self.backpadextern = [] self.pp = pp def geefpad(self): return self.p def pupil(self,x,y,g): from math import sin, cos if not random()>.85: ''' normal ''' s = g/4+random(g/3) fill(self.c.r*2.0,self.c.g,self.c.b,self.c.a/2.0) stroke(self.c.r,self.c.g/2,self.c.b,.6);strokewidth(2.0) ran = random(s/2,-s/2) oval(x-s+ran,y-s+ran,s*2,s*2) fill(1);strokewidth(5.0);stroke(0) oval(x-s/4+ran,y-s/4+ran,s/2,s/2) else: ''' spiral ''' l = random();fill(0) stroke(self.c.r,self.c.g/2,self.c.b,1.0);strokewidth(.5) for i in range(100): v = x+i/5.0*sin(i*l) w = y+i/5.0*cos(i*l) oval(v,w,2,2) def shield(self,x,y,g): seg = oval(x-g,y-g,g*2,g*2,draw = False) pad = rect(x-g,y-random(10.0,-4.0),g*2,g*2,draw = False) pc = pad pad = pad.union(seg) pad = pad.difference(pc,False) fill(self.c.r,self.c.g,self.c.b,1.0) stroke(0);strokewidth(1.0) drawpath(pad) return(pad) def eyes(self,xx,yy,g): fill(1);stroke(0);strokewidth(2.0) oval(xx-g,yy-g,g*2,g*2) self.pupil(xx,yy,g) if random()>.5: cover = self.shield(xx,yy,g) f = [xx,yy] stroke(self.c.r/2,self.c.g/2,self.c.b/2,1.0);strokewidth(3.0) for eyelash in cover: if random() > .5: x = eyelash.x-f[0] y = eyelash.y-f[1] lx = random(x) ly = random(y) line(eyelash.x, eyelash.y, eyelash.x+lx, eyelash.y+ly) def linedash(self,path,segment,gap): path._nsBezierPath.setLineDash_count_phase_([segment,gap],2,0) return path def draw(self): ''' create supershapes : 1 for the actual 'beast' and 1 as a mouth the final shape is the difference between them''' m = int(random(1,30)) if random()>.5: n1 = -.8-random(5.0) else: n1 = .8+random(5.0) n2 = .5+random(5.0) n3 = .5+random(.5,-1.5) '''uncomment to use textpaths __ see below ''' #self.p = textpath(self.pp,self.x-random(50,100),self.y+100,800,0) self.p = supershape.path(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, m, n1, n2, n3) arms = 4+random(20) l = supershape.path(self.x,self.y+self.h/1.5,self.w*.35,self.h*.65, arms,0.98,3.0,0.81+random(-.8,.8)) self.p = self.p.difference(l) ''' create some locations to place the eyes on ''' for i in range(2+random(10)): xx = self.x+random(-self.w,self.w) yy = self.y+random(-self.h) g = 5+random(self.w/5.0) if header.p.contains(xx,yy): tup = xx,yy,g self.eyelist.append(tup) mouth = [] for p in l: if self.p.contains(p.x,p.y): loc = p.x,p.y mouth.append(loc) if random() < .01 and p.y < (self.h*4.8): fill(1);strokewidth(5) k = (-45,0,45) '''teeth __ not to pleased about them ''' stroke(self.c.r/2,self.c.g/2,self.c.b/2,1.0) si = 10+random(self.w*.1) if not p.x < self.x: skew(choice(k)) rect(p.x+si/2,p.y,-si,-si) reset() else: skew(choice(k)) rect(p.x-si/2,p.y,si,si) reset() fill(self.c);stroke(self.c.r/2,self.c.g/2,self.c.b/2) strokewidth(self.w/20);#nostroke() ''' draw the shape __ all the rest comes on top of this ''' drawpath(self.p) ''' lips ''' for o in mouth: s = 1.5 fill((self.r+self.g)*.8,(self.g+self.b)*.8,(self.b+self.r)*.8,.5) nostroke() oval(o[0]-s,o[1]-s,s*2,s*2) self.geefpad() ''' create an inner and outer path base on the position of the eyes ''' for item in self.eyelist: x,y,g = item[0],item[1],item[2] seg = oval(x-g*3,y-g*3,g*6,g*6,draw = False) self.backpad = self.backpad.union(seg) self.backpadintern = self.backpad.intersect(self.p) self.backpadextern = self.backpad.difference(self.p) ''' draw hair on the outer path ''' for p in self.backpadextern: autoclosepath(False);nofill() x = p.x-self.x y = p.y-self.y lx = random(x) ly = random(y) m = random(30) stroke(self.c);strokewidth(1.0) beginpath(p.x,p.y) curveto(p.x+random(m),p.y+random(m),p.x-random(m),p.y-random(m), p.x+random(lx),p.y+random(ly)) endpath() ''' draw the outer path in tranparant color and a stroke half the stroke of the shape itself ''' fill(self.c.r,self.c.g,self.c.b,.4); stroke(self.c.r/2,self.c.g/2,self.c.b/2);strokewidth(self.w/40) drawpath(self.backpadextern) ''' some different jackets for the beast -- possibilities are unlimited here ''' l = 5+random(self.w/6) rw = self.w*4/l;rh = self.h*4/l;dx = l;dy = l strokewidth(1.0) aantal = [1,2,3,4,5,2,3,3] pa = choice(aantal) cc = random(1,2);print pa for x,y in grid(rw,rh,dx,dy): nx = x+self.x-self.w*2 ny = y+self.y-self.h*2 nxc = (nx-self.x) nyc = (ny-self.y) if self.p.contains(nx-dx,ny): fill((self.r+self.g)/2,(self.g+self.b)/2,(self.b+self.r)/2,.8) beginpath(nx-dx,ny) if random()>.5: k = random(-self.w*.25) else: k = random(self.w*.25) if pa==1: ''' spikes ''' autoclosepath(True) curveto(nx,ny,nx,ny,nx+random(nxc),ny+random(nyc)) elif pa==2: '''bubbles ''' autoclosepath(True) curveto(nx+random(5.0),ny,nx-(dx/2),ny+k,nx-dx,ny) elif pa==3: ''' lines ''' nofill();autoclosepath(False) curveto(nx-dx,ny,nx,ny+k,nx,ny) else: ''' flocks ''' autoclosepath(True) curveto(nx-dx+random(-dx*2,dx*2),ny,nx-dx,ny+k,nx-dx,ny) endpath() ''' draw inner path with dotted line ''' fill((self.r+self.g)/2,(self.g+self.b)/2,(self.b+self.r)/2,.8) #d = self.linedash(self.backpadintern,10,5) stroke(self.c.r/2,self.c.g/2,self.c.b/2);strokewidth(1.5) drawpath(self.backpadintern) ''' draw an eye for each location in the eyelist ''' for item in self.eyelist: self.eyes(item[0], item[1],item[2]) for i in range(1): s = 70+random(50) c = color(random(),random(),random()) print s header = head(250+i*(300),HEIGHT/2+10,s,s,c,0) header.draw() # textexample with background ''' m = 'A' ttt = 'AquaTics' font("Marker Felt",250) #ttt = '' background(0.9,0.28,0.62) for i in range(10): fill(0.9,0.28*i/10,0.62) rotate(i*4.0) rect(i*WIDTH/10,0,WIDTH/10,HEIGHT) for i in range(len(ttt)): m = ttt[i] c = color(random(.5,.99),random(0.5,0),random(0.5,0),1.0) s = 70+random(50) print s header = head(80+i*(WIDTH/len(ttt)),HEIGHT/2+random(-5*i),s,s,c,m) header.draw() '''
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